I Want to Be a Barbie Doll

458 92%

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Walking in pink I want to shine Living plastic life. I so divine. Fake is fabulous don't you know. All the world my fashion show. Eyes of glitter I see a world. Golden curls like ribbons unfurled. Plastic smile in a perfect line. Every flaw forever confined I wanna be a Barbie doll. Loved by one and loved by all. Perfect feet and painted nails. In my world no one ever can find. I wanna be a Barbie doll Loved by one and loved by all. Perfect feet and painted nails In my world no one ever fails. Endless parties and no goodbyes. Printed sunsets in my eyes. Echoes of laughter fill the air. Everyone wishes they were there.


In pink I want to shine

Living on, love by one and love by all

Perfect freedom

Why won't no one ever confine

